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srjoantierney 150“God is love and anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in them.”

These words from the first letter of St. John capture well the driving force behind our dear Sister Joan’s life, a deep faith in the one who called her and loved her unconditionally. At approximately 6.15pm on Monday 10th June, our dear Sister, Joan came face to face with the one she had lovingly and generously served for close to seven decades as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

srbernadettarobinson 150‘This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased’.

These words from the Gospel of Matthew capture well the driving force behind our dear Sister Bernadetta’s life. She had an absolute trust and deep faith in God. On Thursday, 7th March she came face to face with her God whom she had so lovingly and faithfully served as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, for over six decades.

Friday, 15 March 2024 13:03

Anniversary of Our Founder

juleschevalier01 150Join us in celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Fr Jules Chevalier on March 15th, 2024

As part of our celebrations we are excited to share this captivating and beautiful short film created by the Australian Province of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, as we pose the question: "Who is Chevalier to you?"

srmaryconlan 150‘Mission is a passion for Jesus and at the same time a passion for his people.’ Pope Francis

These words from Pope Francis capture well the driving force behind our dear Sister, Mary who had absolute confidence in the one who called her into life and loved her unconditionally. On Saturday 30th December our much-loved Sister, Mary, gently slipped into the loving embrace of the one who had been her light, her strength, her passion, throughout her 94 years. She was 75 years professed.

christmas23 150"Let us prepare ourselves to receive the great gift of his coming amoung us. He will be our light, our strength, our support." - Fr Jules Chevalier msc

God reminds us time and time again that nothing is impossible to God even coming to earth as a baby born to a woman named Mary. At Christmas God comes to us as a fragile, powerless, vulnerable baby and at this moment the divine spark of God's love is born.

sreileenkennedy 150‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me’.

These words from the Gospel of John capture well the essence of our dear Sister Eileen’s life. She was a woman of deep faith with absolute trust in God.

The news of her unexpected death on Wednesday, 25th October, was met, understandably, with shock and sadness. Soon followed comments from Sisters and friends in various parts of Australia and, of course, Kiribati. 

srmargaretbird 150Gentle woman, quiet light, morning star so strong and bright.

The hymn, Gentle Woman, was being played at the moment our much-loved Sister, Margaret, peacefully came face to face with the one she had so lovingly and faithfully served as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart for over six decades. ‘Gentle woman, quiet light’, these words capture the essence of our Sister Marg.

srrobynreynolds 150“You are a spark of the Divine”.

These words spoken to Rob, by her mother, sum up her life. ‘You are a spark of the Divine’ On Sunday, 1st October, in Dublin, Ireland, our dear Sister, Robyn was totally enfolded by the all-powerful love of the Divine: her God, her love, her light, her friend, the one who called her into life 80 years ago, and whom she had lived for faithfully and lovingly as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart for nearly six decades.

Tuesday, 29 August 2023 11:24

Jubilee Tribute: "Our Mission is Love"

olsh jubilee01 150This year, August 30, 2023, commemorates the 149th Foundation Day of the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. In honour of the commencement of our Jubilee Year, the Province of Australia has prepared a Jubilee Year opening video tribute titled "Our Mission is Love" dedicated to the Province of Australia.

natsicc sacredheart 150The Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart along with NATSICC have released a video message for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The video message connects the Sacred Heart with the Uluru Statement of the Heart, shedding light on the importance of the upcoming referendum.

olsh natsicc 150As Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, with Mary, moving forward in the Spirit and called to be ‘His Heart on Earth,’ we stand in special solidarity with NATSICC (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council) whose vision is to 'promote and celebrate the cultural identity of our peoples across the nation by living and expressing in all its endeavors the spirituality of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people'.

natsicc onejourney 150The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) has launched a new website called “One Journey, Together” for Catholics to learn about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. The website hosts stories and anecdotes from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations, Catholic figures and Catholic organisations.

olsh laudatosi actionplan 150This Action Plan seeks to drive an OLSH ecological conversion. Simply put, this means recognizing that all things within God’s creation are connected, and seeking to transform ourselves and our Province in ways of loving which will make our communities sustainable and regenerative.

reflectionsonlaudatosi 150The 2015 Encyclical Letter LAUDATO SI’ of Pope Francis on ‘Care for our Common Home’ is the focus of the Australian Province’s steering committee on climate justice, a group that was created in response to the Province Assembly held in April, 2022 to help facilitate ‘OLSH ecological conversion’ through exploration of and reflection on this extraordinary encyclical, and a commitment to action for our struggling mother earth.

patrickdodson01 150We are a nation that is at once ancient and adolescent. A nation made unique by age-old cultures and yet a nation still growing into itself, still maturing.

The upcoming referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice is our next great rite of passage. It will mark an important stage in the life of the nation, the transition from exclusion to inclusion, but also a respectful co-existence and celebration of the coming together of Australian peoples old and new.

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