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Our Safeguarding Commitment

olsh commitmentstatement 350'Today, as throughout the centuries, and with equal urgency, the Word of God challenges us:
And what does the Lord require of you?
The Word of God offers a clear reply:
To act justly, to love tenderly,
and to walk humbly with your God.
(Micah 6:8)

Jesus, in his manner of being and acting, lived this ideal: He upheld and enhanced the inherent dignity of every person, regardless of age, race, status or religion. He bore witness to the love, kindness and compassion of the Heart of God for each person and was a healing presence for those who came to him.

We in our turn have committed ourselves, by our religious profession to
make known the strong and merciful love of God
revealed in the Heart of Jesus.
(Constitution 58)

Our Constitutions challenge us:
Contemplating with Mary His opened side,
we enter into the mystery of the Heart of Jesus
and receive the gift of his Spirit.
We experience in faith, the forgiving, healing
and transforming power of His love.
We are impelled to live and proclaim this love,
leading others to know that in Jesus,
God loves them with a human heart
and is the answer to their hopes, their questionings
and their every need.
(Constitution 5)

The Australian Province of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart has a zero tolerance approach to abuse and the cover up of abuse. We acknowledge with conviction that children, young people and adults at risk have a fundamental right to be respected, nurtured and safeguarded by all people. It does not tolerate any form of abuse and seeks to redress, as far as humanly possible, any wrong that is attributed to a Sister, employee, volunteer or contractor of the Province. The Province understands that the safeguarding of children and adults at risk is a shared responsibility among all those in the Province. The Province is committed to an ongoing and proactive approach to safeguarding and professional standards and encourages anybody harmed by the Church to come forward and have their concerns heard.'

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