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olshemblemgold 150Any Catholic who claims “to defend the sacredness of every human life” must combat racism and exclusion in all its forms. - Pope Francis
Thursday, 21 May 2020 17:38

Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

novena olsh 150

Click here to download the Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart  

Day 1: Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the great things the Lord has done for you…

Today, we begin this novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart using as a guide the Memorare. This prayer begins with an injunction to “Remember.” We are asking Mary, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, to...

[Click here to continue]

Thursday, 21 May 2020 17:31

Live Streamed Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Philippines)

novena philippines 150To all our Members of the Chevalier family... you might like to join in the inspirational Novena, written by Sr Merle, with members of the Chevalier family in the Philippines.

It will be live streamed from the 21st - 29th May at 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

You can follow on the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Philippine Region Facebook page.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020 17:04

Eulogy: Sr Eleanor Parker fdnsc

sreleanorparker 150Let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to God,
for the Lord our God the Almighty reigns, alleluia. Apoc 19:7,6

emmausproductions 150During this time of social isolation it is important that we pray and stay connected to our community. Please find below a range of online resources to assist with this. These include daily prayers and readings, prayer services, the Sunday Office, commentaries, homilies and reflections as well as Gospel based activities and resources to support personal and family prayer. Let us create prayerful solidarity with our community and the whole Body of Christ. 

Saturday, 25 January 2020 11:29

Provincial Leadership Handover Ceremony

leadershiphandover20 01 150On Monday afternoon as we gathered together as OLSH Family for the “Call to Leadership at the Service of Unity” Ceremony, I thought “Lord it is good for us to be here”.

Standing side by side we began the Ceremony with our traditional hymn to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

Wednesday, 08 January 2020 11:15

Jubilees of Sr Josette and Sr Theresa

70jubilee01 150Today we express our appreciation and love to our Jubilarians – Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who over seventy years ago began a journey which has taken them to places and situations that they possibly never dreamed about, on their first profession day. Amazing 70 years ago! It would be difficult for many people in our society today to even imagine this sort of selfless commitment to God and to God’s people. Their lives of dedication and long-term commitment are an inspiration to all of us.

sremmanuelchapman03 150Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. (Lk 5:4)

bishopmackinlay 150Bishop Shane Mackinlay, the eighth Bishop of Sandhurst, was ordained to the episcopacy in Bendigo’s Sacred Heart Cathedral yesterday.

Dignitaries, family, friends and parishioners numbered close to 2000 people, including those from as far as Ballarat, Echuca, Shepparton, Wangaratta and Wodonga.

Bishop Mackinlay’s brother, Jason, made the journey from Germany, while Victoria Jarvis, who was at the new bishop’s ordination to the priesthood in Ballarat, drove nearly seven hours from Adelaide for the occasion.

The ordination was live streamed on YouTube for those who could not attend the Mass in person. It was viewed from 54 countries, with the top national audiences outside Australia being the United States, Canada, the Philippines and Vietnam.

11597152 3x2 150A brightly-coloured stained glass windows with Aboriginal designs.

It's the Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, but not as you might have seen them before.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) Catholic church in Alice Springs has commissioned an Aboriginal artist from its congregation to design a new sanctuary window celebrating the blending of Catholic and Indigenous beliefs, to pay homage to its many Aboriginal parishioners.

"I thought about how my ancestors taught me, their beliefs, and I remembered how they celebrated God in their own way," said the artist, Kathleen Kemarre Wallace, an eastern Arrernte woman.

bishoprandazzo 150Pope Francis has appointed Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Sydney, Anthony Randazzo as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay.

The 53-year-old bishop has been an Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Sydney since 2016. He succeeds Peter Comensoli who was appointed Archbishop of Melbourne in 2018.

Wednesday, 04 September 2019 10:25

Eulogy: Sr Marina O'Donnell fdnsc

srmarinaodonnell 150Happy are they who hunger and thirst for what is right for they shall be satisfied.
srdamianmary 150Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3)
srritatorpey 150Praise the Beloved! Sing a joy-filled song praising the Lord among the people.
Praise the Holy One with dancing, with melodies and voice!
The humble are adorned with honour; the faithful exult in glory,
singing for joy with thankful hearts! (Psalm 149 adapted from Psalms for Praying : Nan C. Merrill)
srjomurray 150The Lord brought out his people with joy,
his chosen ones with shouts of rejoicing, alleluia. Ps 104:43
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