On Friday 26th August, Wadeye’s new T-House was officially opened. Pirrimngiparl Boniface Perdjert, a senior elder of the Kardu Thuthay Diminirn clan welcomed everyone. Pat Dodson was here for the opening and he spoke of Sr Fred’s work many years ago with the women when they had very few amenities.
Boniface’s daughter, Nguluyguy Margaret Perdjert is the current chairperson of the board and she spoke and the current general manager of the Women’s Association, Palngun Wurnangat, Margot Northey then spoke. Margot has worked here for many years with the women. In her speech she mentioned Sr Frederick’s work with the women and the first take away, along with a local woman Darrnanthi Theodora Narndu, whose dream it was to have this complex.
The new complex is situated on the corner where Sr Frederick, began the first take-away in Wadeye operating from a caravan, working with the indigenous women.
This new building comprises a café incorporating an inside area which also displays traditional paintings and crafts for sale, and an outide area where one can enjoy a coffee or tea in a relaxed atmosphere. There is a retail area which sells the women’s screen printed material.
It was a great milestone for the women and the culmination of much hard work.