The conference was held in Melbourne, October 2nd and 3rd. The Chevalier Family supported the conference.
Chevalier Family attendees, from left to right, Peter Malone, Peter Turuchai, Mechtilde Schneider MSC, Krish Mathvan, Joshua Golpini, Robyn Reynolds OLSH, Tony Arthur, Leo Wearden. Robyn Reynolds and Peter Malone were two of the responders.
Over 100 gathered at the Yarra Theological Union Study Centre, especially SVD members from around the world and a large number of the sister congregation of the Holy Spirit. All the papers were given by members of the congregations with visitors being the responders.
The conference concluded with a Eucharist presided over by SVD Australian provincial, Henry Adler. Meals, with Asian tastes, generously abundant, were provided by the SVD community at their study House, Dorish Maru, on the Franciscan property at Box Hill where YTU and the Heart of Life Centre are situated.