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yearofyouth 150The Catholic Bishops of Australia invite Catholics across the country to join in celebrating a Year of Youth from the beginning of Advent 2017 to the end of 2018.

The Year of Youth celebrates ten years since World Youth Day was hosted in Sydney during 2008. It will focus on the theme, ‘Open New Horizons for Spreading Joy: Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment’. The emphasis is on local discussion and dialogue in parishes, schools, youth groups and dioceses.

popefrancis 150As we prepare to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of St John Paul II’s iconic words to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Alice Springs on 29 November 1986, we are strengthened and emboldened by a message of hope and a blessing received directly from the Holy Father, Pope Francis.

In recent weeks, NATSICC, with the assistance of the Bishops Conference used a video message to request a blessing from the Holy Father. Recorded in Alice Springs, the video features people that were present at Blatherskite Park in 1986. These people experienced firsthand the impact that St John Paul II’s words made.

siloamgraduation01 150The annual Graduation ceremony for the Heart of Life Centre, for the SILOAM, the Spiritual Direction program, was held in the chapel of St Paschal's, Box Hill, November 21st.

The ceremony was hosted by the director, Paul Beirne, along with the staff.

srannegardner03 150Eighty-five-year-old Catholic nun, Sister Anne Gardiner, who has lived on Bathurst Island among the Tiwi people since she was 22 was named the NT Senior Australian of the Year.

srannegardner02 150Territorians who are preventing suicide in their community, feeding the homeless, providing training and employment for the disadvantaged, educating young people and contributing to the community’s rich artistic landscape are among the finalists in the 2017 Northern Territory Australian of the Year Awards. As a 22-year-old member of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Sister Anne Gardiner was asked to move to Bathurst Island to live among the Tiwi people. In the 62 years since, Sr Anne has devoted her life to enriching community, enhancing opportunity and supporting the Tiwi culture. An advocate of peace, love and the traditional Tiwi way of life, Sr Anne has worked tirelessly to document and preserve the Tiwi language for future generations.

srannegardner 150When Sister Anne Gardiner arrived on the Tiwi Islands, she met the women who, as young girls, had been brought out of the bush nearly 40 years earlier to the Sisters of the Sacred Heart's then new convent.

The convent is still there. So too is Sister Anne, 85, who arrived on Bathurst Island in 1953 and has seen the community changed almost beyond recognition.

mission 150The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, which the Church is celebrating, casts a distinct light on World Mission Sunday 2016: it invites us to consider the missio ad gentes as a great, immense work of mercy, both spiritual and material. On this World Mission Sunday, all of us are invited to "go out" as missionary disciples, each generously offering their talents, creativity, wisdom and experience in order to bring the message of God’s tenderness and compassion to the entire human family. By virtue of the missionary mandate, the Church cares for those who do not know the Gospel, because she wants everyone to be saved and to experience the Lord’s love. She “is commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the beating heart of the Gospel” (Misericordiae Vultus, 12) and to proclaim mercy in every corner of the world, reaching every person, young or old.

ribat 150

In an historic moment for the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea, Pope Francis has named the Archbishop of Port Moresby as the nation's first locally-born cardinal and the first cardinal from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

The Most Reverend Archbishop John Ribat MSC was one of 17 new cardinals named by Pope Francis this month, which also included archbishops from Bangladesh, the Central African Republic and Mauritius.

Wednesday, 05 October 2016 16:42

Praying for Peace with the Children of Aleppo

syria children 150On October 6, Christian and Muslim children of Aleppo, Syria will gather together to pray for an end to the violence and devastation upon their city and country. They are also planning on drawing pictures about their lives to send to Pope Francis, to the United Nations and to two of the most important players in determining the outcome of the war, the United States and Russia.

You can use any of the following prayers or click on the links for more information.

Saturday, 10 September 2016 15:28

A great milestone for the women of Wadeye

thouse 150On Friday 26th August, Wadeye’s new T-House was officially opened. Pirrimngiparl Boniface Perdjert, a senior elder of the Kardu Thuthay Diminirn clan welcomed everyone. Pat Dodson was here for the opening and he spoke of Sr Fred’s work many years ago with the women when they had very few amenities.

Monday, 05 September 2016 10:51

International Charities Day 2016

internationalcharityday16 150On September 5th we celebrate International Charities Day. This day remembers charities around the world who work tirelessly to alleviate poverty and human suffering.

It is fitting on this day that we remember and pray for all those benefactors who give so generously to OLSH Overseas Aid.

earth australia 150Pope Francis recently declared September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, as the Orthodox Church has done since 1989.  pdf I have attached a prayer for us, the caretakers of God’s creation (70 KB) , that you might like pray in community.

srmarionwheland 150… It was God, who decided that we were fit to be entrusted with the Good News,
and when we are speaking, we are not trying to please people
but God who can read our inmost thoughts. …
Like a mother feeding and looking after her own children,
we felt so devoted and protective towards you
and had come to love you so much, that we were eager to hand over to you
not only the Good News but our whole lives as well. (1 Thess 2, 4, 7-8)

srmariececilesykes 150Let the message of Christ, in all its richness, find a home in you.
Teach each other and advise each other in all wisdom.
With gratitude in your hearts sing psalms and hymns and inspired songs to God;
and never say or do anything except in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3: 12-17)

Thursday, 28 July 2016 10:56

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

humantrafficking 150The 30th July was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as World Day against Trafficking in Persons.

According to the UN at least 2.5 million people are trapped in modern- day slavery  Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking.


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