Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Reflections on Laudato Si'

17 V Justice Between Generations When we think about the kind of world we are leaving to future generations, we look at things differently Our global economic and climate crises reveal the detrimental effects of disregarding our common destiny (159) and the urgent need for intergenerational solidarity (159). Pope Francis includes here the 2003 call of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference: The environment...is on loan to each generation (159) as a reminder of the broader vision of an integral ecology. It is only in struggling with the deeper issues of the meaning and value of the world, of our goals and of our social realities that our ecological efforts will bear fruit. The issue of leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is...up to us (and) is one which dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn (160). Our planet’s capacity has been stretched to the limit; our contemporary lifestyle is unsustainable (161). Many of the problems we face are connected with today’s self-centred culture of instant gratification (162). Our wasteful and impulsive consumption today affects the ability of the next generation to build dignified lives of their own and prevents us from considering those who are excluded from development. Reflection, discussion and sharing: 1. Solutions to our global crisis require dialogue between different groups of differing opinions. How do I model respectful dialogue when speaking with people whose opinions differ from mine? 2. In what ways do I affirm and dignify the identity of others? How does this reflect my approach to the environment? 3. In what ways has the love shown to me by others been powerful and transforming for me? How can I practise such a love in my family/community? 4. Identify some practical ways you can live a more integral life with those in your family/ community—ways which make us less selfcentred and more connected with others so that we are not just individuals living under one roof. 5. Reflect on your own option for the poor—a special concern that models the love of the Heart of Jesus for those rendered poor and those who suffer. In what ways is this concern revealed in your daily life, prayer and actions?