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prayer 300As Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, prayer is a priority for us. We nurture the gift of prayer through personal prayer and have a special love for the Eucharist and for Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Each day we unite with each other and with the entire people of God as we pray the Prayer of the Church.

We count on the love and protection of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and are inspired by the example of her life as a woman obedient to the movements of the Spirit in her heart. The Memorare to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is a prayer specially loved by us:

Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
the great things the Lord has done for you.
He chose you for his Mother.
He wanted you close to his Cross
He gives you a share in his glory.
He listens to your prayer.
Offer him our prayers of praise and thanksgiving;
present our petitions to him.
Let us live like you in the love of your Son that his Kingdom may come.
Lead all people to the source of living water that flows from His Heart, spreading over the world hope and salvation, justice and peace.
See our trust in you, answer our prayer,
show yourself always our Mother. Amen.

In the initial struggles to found our Congregation Jules Chevalier was greatly assisted by Marie Louise Hartzer, a widow with two young sons. As our first Congregational Leader she instilled in us the importance of having a mother’s heart in our approach to people. She encouraged us to “Go with the simplicity of a child to Jesus and Mary in a spirit of confidence and abandonment.”  (Marie Louise Hartzer FDNSC, Her Letters, no. 105, 1903)

The Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart are pleased to pray for your intentions.

Please be assured that all your intentions will be prayed for and remembered by the Sisters and in a particular way at the Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart which is said each Thursday at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart at OLSH Church, Avoca Street, Randwick, New South Wales.