Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Laudato Si' Action Plan

Laudato Si’ Goals Aligned with the Congregation’s Priorities 1. Response to the Cry of the Earth We know that responding to the earth’s climate crisis and biodiversity loss and to ecological sustainability is a profound act of love and care for the wellbeing of all. We participate in opportunities to deepen our understanding of ecological issues, engaging in individual and community reflection to discern the greatest needs of our world and, wherever possible, adopt renewable energy, work to achieve climate neutrality, protect biodiversity and contribute to projects that ensure access to clean water for all. 2. Response to the Cry of the Poor Knowing that we are all created to live in love and solidarity, and that the earth’s resources exist to be shared by all, we are moved by cry of the poor, as degradation of the environment has the gravest impacts for the poorest in our world. Our motto, ‘May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Everywhere Loved,’ reminds us that our mission not only takes us to many geographical places, but to wherever we find structural poverty and inequality. We choose to be close to the suffering, the victims and the vulnerable, prophetically witnessing to God’s tender love and are urged to take bold risks to forge new paths into the unknown, responding wherever and whenever possible to assist and minister to those on the margins of society. 3. Ecological Economics We are committed to protecting communities and building a just recovery together. Our business, financial and investment policies, our purchases, our payment of fair wages, our means of travel and the waste we create are reviewed in the light of the principles and values of integral ecology, including sustainable production, Fair-trade and ethical consumption and divestment from fossil fuels. Where necessary they will be adjusted to align with a congregational JPIC focus so that they are not harmful to our planet or the wellbeing of people. 4. Adoption of Simple Lifestyles We are conscious that the earth is a precious gift from God, strengthened by trust in God and alert to the pressures of the consumer society in which we live. We share with each other our practices and what we have learned in living a simple lifestyle. We endeavour to distinguish between our needs and our wants and to use and spend our financial resources in ethical ways to help ensure the future sustainability of our planet. 5. Ecological Education We are committed to being fully involved in the current context of our call to ecological conversion, collaborating with the whole Chevalier Family where possible. Whether we are engaged in active ministry or in the ministry of prayer, we will, where necessary, reform and revitalise these works by re-evaluating and re-designing them to include the creation and promotion of ecological awareness and action. 6. Ecological Spirituality United with the Heart of Jesus, whom Jules Chevalier saw as “the living sacrament of God’s loving Heart,” and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and in communion with each other, with all the people of God and with all of creation, we seek healing for our broken world and a growing renewal of our vision of the interconnectedness of all things in God’s creation and care for our common home as a means of acknowledging our need for ecological conversion. Ecological prayer, catechesis, liturgical celebration and ongoing individual and community reflection form an important part of the formation and spirituality of all members of the Chevalier Family in order to promote a right understanding of God’s relationship with the universe and humankind. 7. Community Engagement and Participatory Action The talents and involvement of all members of the Chevalier Family are welcomed and encouraged in this mission of the heart to mitigate the damage caused by humans’ lack of care for our common home. We promote and support local, regional, national and international dialogue, advocacy and efforts towards the adoption of more sustainable ways of being and living through monetary aid and the provision of available personnel.