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Friday, 28 March 2014 11:56

Palm Sunday Rally and March


On Palm Sunday there will be a Rally and March. The theme is “Walk for Justice”
(Justice for Refugees & People Seeking Asylum).

On Palm Sunday there will be a Rally and March, the theme is “Declare Peace on Refugees”.

Meet at the State Library at 2pm, April 13, Corner Swanston & La Trobe Streets, Melbourne. It will be held in Hyde Park on April 13th at 1pm. The contact is Fr Claude Mostowik from the MSC Mission Desk.

pdf  Declare Peace on Refugees (click here to download)

If you are unable to attend the rally in Sydney or Melbourne you  might like to pray the following prayer, on Palm Sunday, in solidarity with all refugees and people who seek asylum.


A Prayer for Solidarity

declarepeace rally1 250God of all creation
You have given us the beautiful land we call Australia.
Rich in ancient culture and tradition,
Rich in landscape, plants and animal life;
Rich in resources, laws and social structure,
Offering safety and opportunity.
Teach us to see those who are at our gates,
To act justly so all may come to the table and
To weep for those who perish before they are invited.        
Where there is hunger in our world
May we share our food and resources
and contribute our skills and knowledge                                           
to create a sustainable food supply.
Where there is disaster
May we respond quickly and generously
To bring relief to those injured and deprived of homes
and help them to rebuild their lives and communities.
Where there are people who are disabled
May we see them first as people
and work tirelessly to ensure they are always included
and have the resources to reach their full potential.
declarepeace rally 250Where people are displaced from their own lands,
Especially those who seek refuge on our shores,
May we dare to put ourselves in their shoes
And welcome them to share in the life gifted to us.
Where Indigenous communities are displaced in their own land,        
May we acknowledge the wrongs of the past,
Recognise the richness of their culture
And empower all Indigenous Peoples
to determine their own future.
God of all creation
Give us clear eyes to see the whole world
So that we may never take for granted the gifts you have given
Or think they belong to us alone.
Give us open hearts to reach out from our comfort
and open our gates
To walk in new solidarity with our neighbours.